Our Pastor
Pastor Charles Donald Martin Jr. was born on April 6, 1971 in Asheville, North
Carolina. He is the second child born to Charles D.
Martin Sr. and Deborah D. Downie. He is married to a wonderful woman, Anesa
Martin and they have been blessed with two wonderful children, named Hannah
& Elijah Martin. He was educated in the public school system of Buncombe
County and is a graduate of A.C. Reynolds High School class of 1989. Pastor Martin received his Associate of Arts degree in April 2006 from Beulah Heights
Bible College in Atlanta Georgia in Biblical Education.
Pastor Martin accepted
Christ in 1984 at the age of 13 during Vacation Bible
School. Years later, he
was called to preach the Gospel by God and delivered his initial sermon on the
4th Sunday in June 1995. Pastor Martin faithfully served as
Associate Minister at Rock Hill
Missionary Baptist
Church. He also
ministered as Youth Minister and Interim Pastor during an extended illness by
the pastor. His accomplishments are very many while he was at Rock Hill, but
just to name a few: Choir director/Advisor-Junior Choir, Choir Director –
United Voices Choir, Bible Study teacher, Sunday School Teacher, Christian
Counselor and Experiencing God Facilitator.
Pastor Martin has
continued his pursuit of obtaining greater knowledge by attending continuing
courses at workshops and conferences such as: Hampton University Pastor’s
Conference, Promise Keepers, Manpower, Grace for the Race Men’s Conference and
North Carolina State Convention.
Since his call to the
ministry, Pastor Martin has been used of God to preach to several
congregations. He is aspiring to continue the calling of God to lead his people
through pastoral leadership.