Senior's Ministry
SPMBC (The Golden
Club) is were our seniors can connect with
other senior adults in the Lord and have a special place
in the church ministry to belong. Our Seniors Ministry
exists to reach senior adults with the gospel of Christ
and assist them as they mature into the Christian that
God is growing them to be!
SPMBC seniors seek to accomplish their purpose through
Sunday School small groups, special events, retreats,
socials, conferences, and other special times. SPMBC
seniors provide encouragement, fellowship, a place to
belong, and a way to put your gifts and abilities to
work. SPMBC seniors will count it a privilege if you
will come join them in the Seniors Ministry and see what
a difference these servants are making for Christ!

Deacon's & Deaconess Ministry
The Deacon and Deaconess Ministry is
comprised of a faithful assembly of God’s servants who
are full of faith and wisdom and their lives are full of
God’s work. Appointed by the Pastor, the members of
this ministry serve under the leadership and spiritual
direction of the Pastor and are loyal to him and the
church in prayer, support, encouragement, and
fellowship. The ordinances of the Church are Holy
Communion and Baptism, these are the chief duties of
the Deacon and Deaconess Ministry. Consistent connection
between the Pastor and members is key to growth, peace
and harmony within the church and the ministry
accomplishes this goal with “The Shepherd’s Link”. This
intra-congregational ministry connects each individual
and family member of the church with a Deacon or
Deaconess and serves as an adjunct to the Pastorate,
aiding in counseling and support of the entire

Men's Ministry
The mission of SPMBC men's ministry is to
provide men with resources to develop godly character,
and to equip them to influence their world for Christ.
Also the Men's Ministry of SPMBC is dedicated to
helping the churche pray, plan, and execute an effective
ministry to men that intentionally transforms men into
the likeness of Christ and leaders in the community.
Men's Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order
to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for
the purpose of winning, growing, and training God's
man in Christ.
We know one thing for sure -- God will use the heart
and life of anyone who chooses to make himself
available to Him. The Bible says, "Go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
This is the great commission spoken by Jesus
Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is
commissioning His followers to go into the entire
world and reproduce believers. This is a big
calling. - See more at: http://www.allaboutgod.com/mens-ministry.htm#sthash.IsJCLkWs.dpuf
Men's Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order
to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for
the purpose of winning, growing, and training God's
man in Christ.
We know one thing for sure -- God will use the heart
and life of anyone who chooses to make himself
available to Him. The Bible says, "Go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
This is the great commission spoken by Jesus
Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is
commissioning His followers to go into the entire
world and reproduce believers. This is a big
calling. - See more at: http://www.allaboutgod.com/mens-ministry.htm#sthash.IsJCLkWs.dpuf
Men's Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order
to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for
the purpose of winning, growing, and training God's
man in Christ.
We know one thing for sure -- God will use the heart
and life of anyone who chooses to make himself
available to Him. The Bible says, "Go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
This is the great commission spoken by Jesus
Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is
commissioning His followers to go into the entire
world and reproduce believers. This is a big
calling. - See more at: http://www.allaboutgod.com/mens-ministry.htm#sthash.IsJCLkWs.dpuf
Men's Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order
to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for
the purpose of winning, growing, and training God's
man in Christ.
We know one thing for sure -- God will use the heart
and life of anyone who chooses to make himself
available to Him. The Bible says, "Go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
This is the great commission spoken by Jesus
Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is
commissioning His followers to go into the entire
world and reproduce believers. This is a big
calling. - See more at: http://www.allaboutgod.com/mens-ministry.htm#sthash.IsJCLkWs.dpuf

Learning to worship God through praise
and adoration is one key to a victorious
Christian life.
Leading others to do the same is a great
blessing. Involvement in the Ministry of
Music and
Worship Arts gives you the opportunity
to experience both! Church of Impact
offers a variety of
opportunities for you to praise the Lord
through vocal and instrumental music.
Regardless of
your age or musical background, the
Ministry of Music and Worship Arts has
something to offer you.

SPMBC women's ministry is a bible-based
ministry that seeks to equip women to pray for and
minister to women of all ages, their families and future
generations for the building up of Christ's Kingdom. SPMBC
women's ministry intends to engage women with the gospel
of Jesus Christ (Evangelism); educate women to
prayerfully study and apply God's word in their lives
(Discipleship); and equip women to do Kingdom work
through service locally and globally (Missions).

Adult and Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministries at Church of Impact
promote individual growth, a team spirit, and a vision
for the future. We are committed to doing all we can to
equip teens to live for Christ today, and to help them
make right decisions with God's plan for their lives in
mind. They are involved in many ministry opportunities,
outreach, summer missions programs, and music. The Youth
Department leadership has developed tools to help
parents keep their teens accountable and to assist them
in their spiritual growth.